Learn About Academic Reps
At Lancaster, Academic Reps are all about making change possible…
Sometimes, you might face issues when it comes to your course. Maybe you have a complaint, or there’s something you’re not happy about. You might even have a suggestion for how your course could be better, but you just don’t know where to go.
The answer? Your Academic Reps.
Academic Reps
Overseen by each department at the University, Academic Reps are a group of student representatives that work towards improving the experiences students have during their course. They campaign for change, passing on student feedback and ideas to the appropriate members of faculty, whether that be departmental or at the uni.
Some of the core duties of an Academic Rep include:
Collecting student feedback
Attending departmental meetings
Attending Faculty Forum
But reps may often also get involved with other stuff:
Becoming a Department or Faculty Rep
Leading campaigns
Access to opportunities within the University and LUSU
Taking part in training sessions to develop key transferrable skills
Department & Faculty Reps
Once Academic Reps have been appointed by departments, they can then run for Department and Faculty Rep positions. These are positions created in collaboration with us at LUSU!
Department Reps
These reps are the team leader for the reps in their department, with some of their responsibilities being as follows:
Acting as the main spokesperson for their reps at Faculty Forums
Being the primary contact between their reps and the department
Attending additional department rep specific training within LUSU
Access to opportunities to get further involved within their department. An example being attending additional committees within their department and chairing or co-chairing their SSCs (this will differ across departments)
Faculty Reps
These reps are the main student representative at the Faculty level, with some of their responsibilities being as follows:
Chair and facilitate their respective Faculty Forums
Attend the Students’ Union Academic Executive committee and Union Assembly
Attend Committees within their Faculty.
Some will have the opportunity to attend Senate – the highest level academic related committee within the University.
Access to additional Faculty rep specific training
Access to further opportunities within their faculty and within the central University
Two are appointed per faculty: Undergraduate and Postgraduate.
Both are elected at Rep Conference during the start of the academic year. So, if your Reps are appointed late, then they miss the opportunity to run for Lead or Faculty Rep positions.
Finding your Rep
There are many ways for you to get in touch with your Reps if you have any suggestions or feedback you’d like them to pass on to your department.
Through your Department
Your department may email you contact information for Reps or publish them on a noticeboard. You can also email a member of staff to pass on a message to your rep.
Through LUSU
You can use our feedback form to reach out to us with any questions you have. You can also contact us via email at reps@lancaster.ac.uk. If your Rep has given permission, we can also provide you with their email to contact them directly.
Becoming a Rep
As departments oversee the appointment of Academic Reps, you’ll need to contact your department’s Academic Rep Coordinator. If you don’t know who your Academic Rep Coordinator is for your department, email us at LUSU (reps@lancaster.ac.uk) and we can provide you with their email.
The Michaelmas appointments period for scheme begins right at the beginning of the academic year, with nominations opening around welcome week. Reps are then appointed shortly after during the first few weeks of the term. Sometimes when a position is unfilled or becomes vacant, departments will re-advertise for the position.
Being a Rep provides you with lots of benefits. Not only do you get to represent your fellow students and push for positive change within departments, but it’s also great for you CV and personal development!
You can only be an Academic Rep for the department you belong to. Some departments may accept minoring students, but you should check in advance!
Help change your education for the better!
Academic Reps are always there for you to offer feedback to. Whether it’s complaints about your course, worries that you have about it, or even suggestions to make it better, they’re all ears.
If you want to get in touch with any questions about how Academic Reps work, then you can email us at reps@lancaster.ac.uk
Written by Shannon Daniel